Alcohol Recovery Diet Best Foods For Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Cruciferous vegetables include leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, and kale. These vegetables are full of nutrients commonly depleted during heavy alcohol use, such as potassium, vitamin A, and calcium. These veggies also contain a lot of water, which can help keep you from becoming dehydrated. Finally, the substantial amounts of fiber in cruciferous alcohol recovery diet vegetables can keep you regular, improve your gut health, and help you regulate your blood sugar levels. This may include things like an IV drip for hydration or vitamins to keep levels of both stable throughout withdrawal, leading to a smoother transition to treatment. As you’ve likely heard, heavy alcohol consumption can be damaging to your brain.

Drinking fluids rich in electrolytes, such as Gatorade, can replenish the body. When drinking water, it is important not to drink too much to avoid water intoxication. Water intoxication, a potentially fatal condition where the body holds more fluid than the kidneys can remove, occurs when the amount of salt and other electrolytes become too diluted. These are molecules that stop the bad effects of free radicals, which are unstable and reactive atoms that can hurt the brain cells and reduce neuroplasticity. Antioxidants can also change the expression of genes and proteins that are involved in synaptic plasticity (the ability of connections between neurons to change their strength and efficiency) .

A Healthy Diet for Alcohol Recovery

It’s common to begin craving sweets and other unhealthy foods when you give up alcohol. Chronic alcohol use can cause nutrient deficiencies, and fruits and vegetables are one of the best ways to restore these imbalances. They may also help improve your mood, boost your immune system, and even help with alcohol detox. At The Recovery Village Columbus, we care about helping you feel your best during recovery, ultimately succeeding in your recovery journey. Contact a Recovery Advocate today to learn how we can help you achieve lasting freedom from alcohol addiction. One of the organs within the body which is hugely affected by alcohol and drug abuse is the liver.

alcohol recovery diet

You’ll also get access to anti-craving medications, expert medical advice, handy digital tools, and more—all through an app on your phone. As you’ve likely noticed, alcohol can provide temporary feelings of happiness and relaxation. Studies show that sugar consumption also triggers euphoric feelings, which may help fill that gap.

Other Effective Tips for Alcohol Recovery

However, there are plenty of healthy snack options that will best serve your needs while in early recovery. While it is important to pay attention to what types of foods you can and cannot eat, some foods contain a lot of good things that help your body heal. As always, if you are unsure about whether or not you will have an allergy issue with a certain food, consult with your doctor.

alcohol recovery diet

People who abuse alcohol typically do not pay attention to nutrition. Even those who were formerly healthy tend to let their good eating habits go as they become more consumed with the need to find and drink alcohol. This creates a two-fold nutritional problem because even if someone does manage to eat healthfully and get all their nutrients, alcohol prevents them from being fully absorbed.

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