Furthermore, outcomes like drug consumption or long-term abstinence were not assessed in these studies. Therefore, the treatment effects of MT were primarily related to participants’ attitudes and emotions. In line with that, most of the MT studies in SUD treatment met the criteria of lower levels of evidence according to evidence-based practice hierarchies, indicating that high-quality research has not been conducted [22].
- In 2008, Mays, Clark, and Gordon [21] systematically reviewed the use of MT for patients with SUD and emphasized a lack of evidence.
- Though there are various positive outcomes and benefits of music therapy for addiction treatment, this approach has certain limitations.
- The Man I Want To Be is all about a man at the end of his rope and wanting to make big changes in his life.
- Therefore, the treatment effects of MT were primarily related to participants’ attitudes and emotions.
- It is helpful to manage depressive symptoms and offers short-term benefits to people with different depressive disorders.
Two studies did not report any measures of central tendency [55,63] and one reported a median age of 46.4 years [62]. Age ranges (when reported) differed only slightly from 28 years [65] (20–47) to 33 years [64] (27–59). Six studies examined men only [40,45,50,55,59,60] and five women only [19,41–43,47]. B Results based on a criterion of clinical significance, i.e., changes by at least one standard deviation of the mean. For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.
Rock to Recovery with KOIN TV Portland, OR
Nevertheless, we did not calculate meta-analyses due to study heterogeneity or because similar variables were only examined by the same author. Furthermore, across all studies included in our descriptive approach, still only 38% (25/65) were RCTs, and especially for mood variables and long-term abstinence, high quality research has not been conducted. Due to the low quality of most of the studies, in the end, strong key outcomes cannot be substantiated.
We investigate whether slower tempi differentially influence the effect of music listening on stress recovery in our moderator analysis. I fully agree with the authors that, for music to exert an effect on stress, a physiological and/or psychological stress response needs to be present, from which participants may then recover. I find it therefore difficult to understand why studies which failed to induce stress (i.e., did not report a successful stress induction) were included in the meta-analysis in the first place. The fact that the differences between crack and cocaine and myths successfulness of the stress induction, surprisingly, did not affect the extent of stress recovery does not really resolve my concern. I find it therefore difficult to understand why studies which failed to induce stress (i.e. did not report a successful stress induction) were included in the meta-analysis in the first place. Next, despite our best efforts to obtain relevant meta-analytic information from all studies selected for our review, our meta-analytic data set was ultimately constructed from a subset of fourteen studies.
Selection of musical stimuli
Overall, three of four studies provide support for a positive effect of music listening on post-stressor HRV recovery, but these effects seem to vary across HRV indices. Studies commonly suggest that listening to music may have a positive influence on stress recovery. Based on cumulative evidence from 90 effect sizes in 14 studies, it may be premature to firmly conclude whether music listening is beneficial for the stress recovery of healthy individuals. Given the pervasiveness of stress, Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) studies may provide a more intimate outlook on the dynamics of daily music listening behaviour, particularly for the purpose of stress recovery.
Do You Need Any Special Equipment for Music in Recovery?
Several studies have investigated whether listening to music with slower tempo will better facilitate stress recovery compared to music with faster tempo. For example, while listening to an instrumental song, proportional increases and decreases in tempo resulted in similar changes in participants’ heart rate [73]. Similarly, sequential decreases in tempo predicted greater increases in parasympathetic activity compared to sequential increases in tempo [71].
Author response to Decision Letter 1
4) I am sorry to read that you decided against EMA studies as I consider it a huge strength to combine both experimental and EMA evidence. I am not convinced that these two approaches should be studied separately, as they complement each other in a meaningful way. Also, I believe that including EMA studies would shed light on the heterogeneity as you have multiple time points and multiple contextual factors being repeatedly assessed over time.
As such, a more accurate approach to investigate the effects of musical tempo on stress recovery would be to leverage the dynamic, temporal nature of both music and physiological parameters through use of non-linear analyses of continuous data [52, 103]. For example, cross-recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA) [104, 105] may enable future studies to quantify the magnitude and duration of rhythmic entrainment for each participant. These indexes of magnitude and duration could then be compared between different musical tempi. Studies have utilized CRQA to investigate cardiac entrainment between participants of collective rituals [106] and the entrainment of an audience’s heart rate to a live musical performance [107].
Nevertheless, I accept your choice here, but recommend to acknowledge EMA studies in the discussion (or outlook). Particularly as you describe in the introduction that music is so easily available, studying the mechanisms in daily life seems to be timely. In the current version of our manuscript, the meta-analysis section contingency plan examples is currently presented first, with the systematic review section painting a more detailed picture about the methodological heterogeneity between included studies. We understand that an extensive qualitative portion which directly follows a straight-forward quantitative synthesis can feel somewhat overwhelming.